The production of handicrafts and other products at the Burras Beach center is one of the strands of the "Omali Vida Nón" project, whose goal is to improve the management of marine resources on Prince Island by promoting the participation of fishermen and palaiês.
Within the concept of "Community Ideas", the fishermen and palaiês of Burras Beach have implemented the production of earrings, necklaces, bags, and other products made from fish scales and coconut shells, aimed at the island's tourism sector as a way to diversify the source of their income.
Over time, the members of the craft center have also started producing brooms and mats for the local market. The materials used for these pieces are 100% local and natural, such as fish scales, seeds, and coconuts, and do not produce any kind of waste.
Vasco Pissarra © Fundação Príncipe
The sale of varied pieces at the Burras Beach handicraft center has emerged as a diversification of the source of income for members of this fishing community. Tourism eventually opens space for the creation of new jobs on Príncipe Island, but we always seek to develop sustainable sources of income that promote good management of marine resources.
Construction of a place for the production and sale of the pieces
Training in production of handicrafts and coconut crafts
Purchase of materials and tools
Development of management model and visits by regular tourists
Sale of handicrafts in the island's hotels and airport
Sale of brooms and mats in the local market