Studies published in Oryx magazine reveal the urgent need for preservation of the Príncipe Thrush

In 2020, Fundação Príncipe terrestrial conservation team received funding from The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund to better understand the invasive species problematic for the endangered and endemic Príncipe Thrush (Turdus xanthorhynchu), and the results are now published on Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation.

Unfortunately, the data collected in this preliminary study is not in favour of this specie conservation, as 42% of the 55 baited artificial nests installed were predated in less than 6 days. The Monkey (Cercopithecus mona), specie introduced to the Island, accounted for 18 % of all predation episodes, while the rest were not possible to identify.

These results warn the importance of better understanding the introduced species problematic in the conservation and protection of the Principe's endemic and native species, as well as the urgent need to implement concrete conservation actions focused on the Critically Endangered Príncipe Thrush.

This work would not be possible without the support of our partners Presidência do Governo Regional do Príncipe, Parque natural do príncipe, Fauna & Flora International and Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

Fundação Príncipe